If you are studying at university or college, most facilities will now be highly accessible. However, it’s not much use having an accessible campus if you can’t find anywhere to live! Accessible Property Register is setting out to plug an obvious gap in our provision – wheelchair accessible student accommodation. It does exist, sometimes to […]
If you are studying at university or college, most facilities will now be highly accessible. However, it’s not much use having an accessible campus if you can’t find anywhere to live! Accessible Property Register is setting out to plug an obvious gap in our provision – wheelchair accessible student accommodation. It does exist, sometimes to […]
If you are newly coming to terms with the confusing world of disability equipment (or even if you are quite experienced!), APR has introduced a new guide to the types of equipment and adaptations frequently found in homes and holiday accommodation. Each item of equipment is illustrated with a photograph, so if you are not […]
APR has introduced a new and more sophisticated search for both residential property and holiday accommodation. For each region, you will now find a full checklist of all available access features shown shown on both region (e.g. Southwest England) and sub region (e.g. Cornwall) pages. The same checklist appears below thumbnail adverts. Access features can […]
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