
Property in this section is designed to be easily manageable and convenient for older people. Many retirement properties will be part of purpose-built developments and may include additional services, e.g. on-site warden and/or emergency alarm system. Most retirement developments include an age restriction, most frequently 50+, 55+, or 60+ so check that at least one of you is old enough!

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We try to ensure that the retirement property advertised in this section will be accessible to all, including wheelchair users. Where property in multi-storey blocks is advertised, a lift will be available.

Additional services

In addition to support services, more sophisticated developments may include a resident’s lounge, restaurant, guest accommodation, maybe a bar, and possibly shops, hairdresser etc. The aim is to support independent living and to ensure that necessary support services are available if required.

Shared equity

Some developers sell retirement property ona shared ownership or shared equity basis.This makes them cheaper initially becausepurchasers only have to put down —

a percentage (usually between 50% and 70%) of the property value. The remaining sum is charged as rent, with the option to complete the purchase over a longer timescale.

Retirement property checklist

If you are thinking about purchasing retirement property, it’s worth checking the following:

  • Age restriction
  • Free or leasehold (many retirement developments are leasehold)
  • Ground rent and/or or service charge (levied to pay for additional facilities and support services)
  • Maintenance is included (care of grounds, external painting, etc)
  • Level of support services (warden, alarm system, availability of meals, etc)