Where do our adverts come from?

Where do our adverts come from?

The Accessible Property Register now has around 500 accessible properties advertised for sale or rent at any one time. We accept adverts for any residential property - providing it meets our access criteria.

Anyone (including estate agents) can advertise on this website free of charge, providing they post the adverts themselves. We are happy to create and post adverts for you, but we do make a small charge for this.

To find accessible property, we make use of the enhanced search facilities now available on the Internet to go out and look for property advertised as 'accessible'. We reckon that APR will be displaying 90% of UK property advertised as accessible at any given time. However, the quality of information provided about access features tends to be much poorer than when adverts are posted directly because we are relying on the description provided in estate agent details. 'Could do much better' would be the comment on many of these!

Where we create advert for individuals or estate agents we always make sure that access features and adaptations are clearly described and in detail.